GradImages Order Status Tracking

GradImages Order Tracking Status online. Find out detailed tracking history and estimated delivery time of Your courier, parcel, package, shipping.

1. With Tracking Number

GradImages will sent you a confirmation email which consist carrier name and tracking number. Note down that tracking number and use it to track the item until it is delivered to you.

2. Without Tracking Number

It’s easy to find your order status if you have GradImages account. Simply visit the website and click “Log In” located in the top navigation. Once you have logged in, click on “My Account” then “My Orders”. You will be redirected to your account page where you can review all orders.

Click on above “Track My Order” button to go to GradImages order status page.

About GradImages and some general infos

Order status is displayed in a very handy tab that is found on home page. This tab will display a list of your current orders and will show you exactly how many items you have left to be shipped out. The number that you will see will be the total number of items that you have ordered.

Order status also displays the status of each item that you have ordered. Items are listed as being at the assembly line, in the warehouse, or in your customer’s hands. Any item that you haven’t yet finished manufacturing is also listed here, so that you can have an idea of what you have left to go through with production.

The order status tab also lets you see how long it will take to finish an order. If you pay attention to this tab, you will notice that the ship date is often the last line of the order status tab. This is because these orders take the longest time to get made. Orders that are shipped out during the last two weeks in a month will not show up on the order status tab, and you will have no way of knowing what those orders are until you order them in.

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